1989 Toyota Landcruiser 74 series restoration project - Intro
We purchased a 1989 Toyota Landcruiser 74 series, Turbo Diesel as a Motomuck project. Little did we know this car was more than a smallish project and we have dived head first into a huge restoration.

When viewing the car the initial problems were thought to be the compression, as told by the seller. The car is an automatic and it did not idle and would stall without the foot on the accelerator giving power. After a quick test to see if it was the compression (a visual home job) we removed the oil cap on the engine and applied some power to the car to see if any oil would splatter out. Our original theory would be that if there was oil splatter it would be a compression issue, if none then most likely wouldn't be. Since there was no oil splatter we thought the favour was in ours with the vehicle. We purchased it, bolted down the accelerator a bit with a screw (to prevent stalling) and drove it home.

Heres a look at the condition of the car when we purchased it...
The car was in serious need of some love as it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. Previously owned by a farmer and used as a farm car hence the huge amount of hay inside. It clearly was a big job to take on looking at the state of it, and with over 300,000 kms we knew there may be many things that needed to be fixed.